Blasting Sofia Municipality for Incompetence

A Foreigners and Friends article |

Kukush Street in Sofia, Bulgaria, is a lake, more than anything.
Kukush Street in Sofia, Bulgaria, is a lake, more than anything.

The Bulgarian NGO Spasi Sofia (“Save Sofia”) has harshly criticized Sofia Municipality once again, for failing to have repair works done at a proper pace, and in a proper way. The organization also blasted those responsible for commissioning construction companies for renovations in the city. To Spasi Sofia’s opinion, they are neglecting the security aspect for pedestrians.

Spasi Sofia puts Sofia municipality under pressure on a regular basis. They also played a role in accelerating the decision to add a third Metro line to the decaying and insufficient public transport system in the Bulgarian capital.

In recent days, the NGO released the following pictures of tram stops, curbs and streets in Sofia. To inhabitants, they do not even look shocking, since they are used to infrastructure in that kind of state. But, Spasi Sofia claims this was not just about aesthetics, but also about security. Having 33 streets repaired per year, as announced by the municipality, was far from satisfactory, the organization says.

A month ago, the NGO shot a series of photos in Sofia’s Mladost quarter, where former green zones are being abused as parking lots, which turn into lakes during rain fall, resembling Third World cities, rather than a European capital. Pedestrians, including parents with strollers, are forced to leave sidewalks filled by parked cars, and to walk on the street, putting their lives in danger, and those of their children.

These are the latest Sofia photos they posted on their social media pages.