Bulgarian Cultural History on Fire

Burning of the Tobacco Warehouses in Plovdiv, 20.08.2016

The cultural history of Bulgaria is vanishing before our eyes. Piece by piece, building after building. The Tobacco Warehouses in Plovdiv are yet another cultural monument keeping precious memories of our country’s past razed almost to the ground and literally stolen from our hands. Sofia is not falling behind and is leaving jewels like Zaharna fabrika (Sugar Factory) and Kino Vazrazhdane to be engulfed by oblivion. Other priceless cultural heritage monuments were already given away to history untimely – just like the beer factory of the Proshek Brothers. What will be next – UN cultural heritage like Nessebar, Bulgarian national revival houses in Koprivshtitza and Tryavna, or Medieval fortresses in Veliko Tarnovo?

Full article available in Bulgarian only