
| A Foreigners and Friends article | No, this is not a photo of an abandoned neighborhood in Aleppo or damaged infrastructure after a natural disaster. It's Mladost, the second largest Sofia quarter, with 102,899 inhabitants, according to the last census in 2011. It might not look that way, but Mladost is actually one of the most...
| A Foreigners and Friends article | Trakia Highway was prolonged and repaired in several phases in the past decade and a half. As we all know, neither the repairs, nor most of the construction of new segments have turned out to be stable enough to endure heat waves with lots of trucks using the right lane....
Burning of the Tobacco Warehouses in Plovdiv, 20.08.2016 The cultural history of Bulgaria is vanishing before our eyes. Piece by piece, building after building. The Tobacco Warehouses in Plovdiv are yet another cultural monument keeping precious memories of our country's past razed almost to the ground and literally stolen from our hands. Sofia is...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWSrZgXAv6U Духът на градовете ни си отива. Късче по късче и парцел по парцел. Пожарите на това бездушно отношение към градската среда (ще) идват в много форми – буквални и метафорични. Вчера пламнаха тютюневите складове на Пловдив, едни от малкото опазени образци на индустриалната ни архитектура. Същите онези складове, за които през пролетта цялата държава се...